16 Things Startups Should Look For In A Front End Developer

Usually, it is not the technique that determines the importance of a person; it is as essential the attitude. People from all aspects of life will show you that approach is a higher trump card than experience. You can see this in any game and most surely at work. And it is no diverse when it comes to being a front end developer.

A front end developer is someone accountable for the development of those parts of a website that the client sees and associates with direct. It is a combination of programming abilities and aesthetics. Acquiring the skills to be an excellent front end developer is relatively easy. It's about learning the perfect programming skills and improving design sensibility.

There are 16 principles that all front end developer should live. They are as follows –They are as follows – 

  1. I will put the requirements of the user first, over my demands as a developer – Because you're making the output for the user, not yourself.
  2. Progressive unobtrusive and enhancement javascript are my tools – Both are principles and strategies for web design that utilize web technologies in a layered way so that the product can be used with any bandwidth and technology constraint.
  3. Simplicity is respect – User focus appears through here again, as a front end designer must look at intricate designs and interfaces as bad as not respecting the user.
  4. I will educate my family and friends that web browser preference matters – Because, the user should accept the right products.
  5. I trust in the power of the open web – In the constant endeavor to provide accessible device-independent content in the face of App Store ubiquity.
  6. I accept that performance is critical – Because "it works on my machine" just doesn't cut it anymore. An excellent front end developer should be mindful of limited hardware, reduced latency, and low bandwidth condition.
  7. I will acquire at the root, not the abstraction – JAVASCRIPT BEFORE JQUERY or Prototype, YUI, Mootools, et al.
  8. I trust that open-source code, and royalty-free tools show the best future for the Web – Zach tells that this is somehow true for codecs and file formats for audio, images, or video.
  9. I will not undervalue the importance of accessibility – Because a vast population of computer users is visually impaired. Zach goes a little ahead and expects front end developers to be accountable for providing full access for users that may favor using either the keyboard or the mouse. In providing a clean print-friendly format. In delivering content to devices of differing technological abilities. 
  1. I will give feedback to the community – Especially in today's context, we owe the city a lot for what it has provided us.
  2. I will proceed to foster both territories of my brain – Because, for front end developers, skill is just as essential as math.
  3. I will perform my best to save my knowledge current – A front end developer should realize that they cannot learn everything, and they should be mindful of what they do not know.
  4. I undertake my responsibilities for view source – To use ways that will be compatible with future and current web browsers.
  5. My code will be compact – This means being careful of enthusiastic use of browser implementation quirks
  6. I will select the right tool for the work– Because.
  7. I will strive to make secure applications – This isn't out of the purview of a front end developer — simple things like adequately escaping output and code to prevent CSRF and XSS.

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