Features Of ReactJS

To create mobile and web apps, React.js provide everything for it.

It's secure, fast, and scalable. It provides a fantastic developer and user experience. What's more, its popularity is growing as Facebook and vibrant community support it. If you are willing which technology to choose for your project, React.js is one of the best choices.

Here are the few React.js features:

With React.js, the code aim on what is displayed rather than what steps should be taken to show it. For a non-coder, the next approach seems more intuitive. And it is indeed fast to create and debug a screen or component with this procedure. Declarativeness states great DX (developer experience), which usually referred to great UX.

  1. Component-based approach. 

You create apps with React.js using building blocks - components that can be responsible for network communication (e.g., a data fetcher), UI function (e.g., a button),  or more complicated functions like managing the state (e.g., Redux Provider). This modular way makes it easy to implement a design system and show it off (e.g., with Storybook). Elements in React.js make for a compelling DX.

React.js is quick and small to download. It doesn't need much work to configure the programming environment, and you don't have to load the entire application every time thanks to the code-splitting feature, which can automatically reduce load times of your web or website application. Fast and smooth loading times are critical for the UX of your product as well as marketing (SEO) because Google advertises sites with short loading times.

  1. Huge flexibility and ecosystem:

When selecting a technology for your digital product, you want to use a programming language or a framework that's popular, and most essential, that will remain popular eventually. Extensive usage provides you with the vital resources - a pool of brilliant developers knowing the technology and eager to learn and excel in it as well as expanding libraries of components and new areas of application. React.js has it all.

  1. Backward compatibility.

It is always great for the software to be able to work with older versions of the libraries it uses (or depends on). However, not many languages and frameworks can provide backward compatibility, because it's expensive. Fortunately, Facebook had to invest in maintaining backward compatibility for its internal corporate use. Some FB apps still run pieces of code created when React was still in its infancy with no compatibility issues.

