Creating Highly Reusable AngularJS Components

Developers might also choose the developer community and open source libraries around AngularJS as opposed to diving into limited and limited new ones. There are various causes why you may need to build an app in AngularJS. If moving your ng1 app to ng2+ is on the radar, then examine componentizing your app as a necessity to your migration.

New features since 1.5.x have been retroactively added, mostly the support of components and one-way data binding. We will see how to maximize these features to generate extremely reusable components for AngularJS applications that join closer to the latest Angular framework.

Component Organization

It's simple to get lost in the component this, an element that hoopla. One of the numerous significant parts to understand is which item should be responsible for what.

Conserve page-level elements as the driving force behind a view while using reusable components to take responsibility for the simple task.

It holds page-specific logic to a particular component while encapsulating all the regular code and functionality into reusable parts.

One of the most significant errors I've seen is transferring data to children components that modify the data, consider a particular use case, or communicate via services all over the place. It ultimately makes them difficult to test/understand and not reusable at all as they become hardcoded to particular use-cases.

Your First "Hello World" Component

The easiest component possible would attend something like this. See how related to directives those are:

angular.module('app', [])



      template:'<h1>Hello World</h1>'




Binding Options

Component parameters are passed by the bindings property. Same as to the previous method of assigning directive scope variables.


.component('myComponent', {



         name: '<' //one way data binding


      controller: function(){

         //component controller



* <  - One-way data binding

Use one-way data merging for your bindings. Two-way data bindings were excellent and one of the greatest features of AngularJS, but it occurs at a performance price with the bound properties remaining observed within the element scope. It also means anything you develop in component scope would be shown in the parent in a two-way binding.

!Important! - It's essential to see that objects are transferred by reference alternatively of a fresh copy. It indicates if your bound property is an array or object, changes to these objects would certainly reflect differences in the parent scope and yet give you a two-way data binding sequence. It is why it's significant not to mutate the array/object in the component scope and execute those differences in the parent.

* =  - Two-way data binding

doesn't worry if you require it, though. Two-way data binding is yet around. #yolo

* &  - Output event. Gives a hook to parent components

Bindings marked with '&' import a parameter that allows a callback function by the parent component. It enables the parent to catch or listen to any messages/changes. It is how our "dumb" component will communicate back to the parent component with the event or change.

* @  - String input.


Building AngularJS components in this method can help enhance performance by moving over the two-way data binding. It also sets you up perfectly to have a well-conditioned and reusable collection of components for your application.
